Daily Management Review
World & Politics

Jordan signs $10 billion nuke energy deal with Russia

Jordan has signed a $10 billion deal with Russia to build the kingdom’s first nuclear power plant, with two 1,000-megawatt reactors in the northern part of the country. The deal was signed between Jordanian ministers and state-owned Rosatom company to facilitate the energy-poor Jordan to reduce...

Taking care of our farmers in Africa

With almost 80% of the world’s farmers still following, essentially, the same method as our forefathers some 10,000 ago. It is important to address their key vulnerabilities so as to make them resilient towards them. Yesterday’s science fiction is today’s reality. While irrigation drones,...

A marriage between economic sustainability and Spirituality

Our current path of exploiting Nature’s bounty will only ensure the end of our species on this planet. The only way to survive, as a specie is to synthesize and harmonize our needs for our existence with that of Mother Nature. As human beings, our existence on this planet, is on many levels that...

FTC urged by staff to curb Google

The Federal Trade Commission of the US has faced more questions about the way it handled the anti-trust investigation into Google now that an earlier internal report asking for stronger action against the internet giant has been revealed. The 2012 internal report of the commission, submitted by...

Citigroup to accept US court ruling against Argentina bond payments

US-based Citigroup has decided to not appeal a US judge's ruling that it cannot process an Argentine sovereign debt payment if he helps the bank exit its custody business in the default-hit country as swiftly as possible. This move, as revealed by the bank’s lawyers, will create a stir in the...

US mulls review of airlines subsidy in Middle East

The US government has announced that it is mulling over the claims that a large number of Airlines operating from the Middle East has received subsidies which affects the market.   Though the government is moving out with the review, it is unclear how they would substantiate this foray as...

EO100 Emerges as the New Standard for Shale oil and gas Production

Equitable Origin (EO) announced that although the oil and natural gas industry did not have an independent environmental and social standards for review, today it is no more. Today the first independent environmental and social standards for the above mentioned industries have been created and put...

Will fortified flour stop malnutrition in Ethiopia?

USAID in partnership with TechnoServe and the African Alliance for Food Processing, hope to bring the era of malnutrition to an end in Ethiopia. Ethiopia has long been the sad poster-child of malnutrition. If all goes smoothly according to plan however, that picture will undergo a dramatic...

Israel Elections

Undecided voters and some wild cards will decide the next Israeli Prime Minister Israeli elections are very complex and is characterized by highly unpredictable dynamics. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is the head of Likud, the right wing party that was founded by Menachem in the...

Curious Absence of Vladimir Putin Comes to an End

The disappearance of Vladimir Putin for almost 10 days gave rise to wild rumours. Russian President Vladimir Putin showed up, after 10 days of absence from spotlight. He dismissed all the rumors about his absence and appeared in public and said that “Life would be boring without gossip.” It is...
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