Daily Management Review

Ukraine to set up nuclear fuel production in three years


In three years, Ukraine intends to start manufacturing nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants, which will eventually be sold to other nations.

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According to the press office of the country’s ministry of energy, Ukraine has begun producing fuel components for VVER-1000 reactors and will soon begin producing assemblies for VVER-440 reactors as well.

The initiative is carried by the state nuclear generation company Energoatom in partnership with American Westinghouse.

German Galushchenko, the energy minister of Ukraine, claims that the facility will create fuel assemblies for nuclear reactors used in nuclear power plants.

Industrial manufacturing of liners is expected to begin this year with licensing being finalized, followed by that of fuel cassette heads in 2024. The parts will be put to use at the Westinghouse plant in Västers, Sweden, to create nuclear fuel for Energoatom's requirements.

source: ukrinform.net