IMF spokesperson and communications director Gerry Rice said that Ukraine might "immediately" get $1.4 billion in emergency funding from the fund as soon as the management of the organization makes such a decision.
As soon as IMF management approves a new strategy to assist nations hit by the food crisis, Rice added, "Ukraine might receive around $1.4 billion in emergency assistance practically quickly."
Oleksiy Chernyshov, the minister of community and territorial development for Ukraine, stated in a meeting with IMF officials in late August that the country anticipates receiving emergency assistance from the fund before the end of the year as part of a new comprehensive package.
source: imf.org
As soon as IMF management approves a new strategy to assist nations hit by the food crisis, Rice added, "Ukraine might receive around $1.4 billion in emergency assistance practically quickly."
Oleksiy Chernyshov, the minister of community and territorial development for Ukraine, stated in a meeting with IMF officials in late August that the country anticipates receiving emergency assistance from the fund before the end of the year as part of a new comprehensive package.
source: imf.org