US Nearing Completion Of Plan To Reopen Economy, Says Trump


Plans to reopen the almost stalled economy of the United States because of the spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic was close to be completed, said the US President Donald Trump said on Monday.
The number of people dying of the virus pandemic in the country was starting signs of reaching a plateau which indicated that the social distancing measures, closing down of the non-necessary businesses and stay at home orders were having a positive impact, noted Trump in his daily news briefing.
Meanwhile, it appeared that discussions of reopening of economic activity were being held by governors of various US states without asking for nay advice from the Trump administration. Plans for a slow reopening of economies and lifting of strict stay-at-home orders were being undertaken by nine states on the East and West coasts of the country, said representatives of the states.
Till now, more than 23,000 people have been killed by the pandemic in the United States while all non-essential business and travel have been banned.
The Governor of New York, the state that is the worst hit among the states of the country, Andrew Cuomo said that his administration is working closely with other adjoining states including New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island to find out a way to slowly ease down stay-at-home orders in a joint manner. Such orders were imposed last month to try and stop the fast spread of Covid-19 – the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.
 Massachusetts later announced it was joining the East Coast coalition.
"Nobody has been here before, nobody has all the answers," Cuomo said during an open conference call with five counterparts. "Addressing public health and the economy: Which one is first? They're both first."
A similar agreement to devise a joint approach for easing of social-distancing measures was announced separately by the governors of California, Oregon and Washington. In their statements, the Governors said that they "need to see a decline in the rate of spread of the virus before large-scale reopening" can take place.
No timeline for ending social lockdowns that has essentially impacted most of the more than 100 million residents in their states, was given by the leaders of the 10 states who are all Democrats except for Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker. However the health of the residents will be put ahead of the priority of reopen non-essential businesses, along with schools and universities and hence would rely more on science than on politics.
On the other hand, Trump said that he had ultimate authority to take the decision on reopening of schools and closed businesses when asked about whether the federal government will work with the state governors on the issue.
"The president of the United States calls the shots," Trump said. "That being said, we're going to work with the states."
As on Monday, the total number of deaths because of Covid-19 in the US went past the 23,000 mark with more than 575,000 American reported to have been infected with the virus infection.