U.S. LNG exports to Europe grows by nearly 2.5 times in a year


In 2022, American LNG shipments to Europe increased to 117.4 million cubic meters. According to a study by the White House Council of Economic Advisers, that is nearly 2.5 times more than a year prior (47.8 million cubic meters).

joachim kohler
The document claims that supply interruptions "related to Russia's invasion of Ukraine" had a major effect on American energy exports, especially LNG and crude oil.

In terms of LNG, U.S. exports have moved significantly to European nations as Russia has reduced the supply of natural gas flowing through its formerly dominant pipeline system. With the notable exception of a decrease in exports to China, crude oil exports increased more widely across all destinations.

According to research, China's decline in U.S. energy imports in 2022 likely reflects a switch to imports from other sources, such as Russia, as well as declining demand because of China's slower economic growth," the study reads.

source: reuters.com