Top ten hi-tech events of the year


The American research company International Data Group (IDG) has prepared a list of the ten most important high-tech events of 2017. The rating includes industrial events, such as release of the new iPhone, the new Intel Xeon Scalable processors or the global attack of the extortion virus, and the political ones, for example, the US readiness to abandon network neutrality and Russia accused of cyber espionage.

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IDG researchers decided to begin their review with one of the latest sensational topics in the consumer electronics market, iPhone X. "The iPhone X introduced in September leaves the impression that a decade of smartphone manufacturing experience has led to creation of such a significant device. Of course, this is not a revolution, but still very cool," - the report’s author, editor-in-chief of IDG News Service Marc Ferranti, believes. Another event is Oracle’s presentation of the world's first stand-alone cloud database Oracle 18c. This database can work without human intervention, independently providing protection from cyber threats. According to IDG experts, one of the most important events was also Intel’s new Xeon Scalable processors. Their performance is 1.6 times higher than in the previous generation of processors. In general, according to experts, this is the most significant improvement in data processing platforms over the past decade.

Intel is mentioned twice, and the second one is about $ 15.3 billion-worth deal to buy Mobileye startup specializing in developing software for unmanned vehicles.

Another important development was Bitcoin overcoming the $ 10,000 bar. It took three years to reach $ 1,000 and $ 2,000, but the rate of the most popular crypto currency has grown several times from the beginning of 2017.

Other most important events of the year are associated with viruses and hackers. IDG experts told about the global attack of the extortion virus WannaCry and the subsequent Petya. Experts note that in May, the virus hit hundreds of thousands of computers in just a day, and the losses of the affected business were estimated at billions of dollars. Another event is the US accusing Russia of cyber espionage and interference in the election campaign of 2016. In addition, social networks and technology corporations, including Facebook, Google and Twitter, faced the invasion of fake news. This year, companies began to develop measures to combat this plague.

Another political event in the technological sphere is the US readiness to abandon the principles of network neutrality. Head of the US Federal Communications Commission, Ajit Pai, announced his intention to abolish the rules on network neutrality. According to them, telecommunications companies are equated with public lines of communication and thereby undertake to provide equal conditions for all market participants. The European authorities, in turn, paid close attention to the procedure for paying taxes to the EU by American technology companies. The European Commission is already actively working to ensure that technology companies pay taxes where they make a profit without redistributing revenues in favor of jurisdictions with more favorable tax rates. The EU authorities have already decided that some companies, including Amazon and Apple, should return unpaid debts.
