Thousands of UK pubs will not be able to open without government help


In the UK, several thousand pubs will not be able to resume work when the restrictions associated with the coronavirus are lifted, The Independent writes on Thursday.

According to the newspaper, the trade industry organization UK Hospitality sent a letter to the country's ministers, in which it announced the need to financially support pubs that have been closed since mid-March and have huge unpaid bills for renting premises.

"In the current state of affairs, when June 24 comes, many institutions will not be able to pay rent. We have suffered quarterly income losses due to the coronavirus. And the possibility of trading between July and September will be quite limited," the letter reads.

In addition to problems with renting, pubs will have to comply with the rules of the social distance of 2 meters between visitors, while every fourth pub does not have enough space for these standards.

According to the British Innkeepers' Association, 82% of the pubs that can open will only work with half their capacity.

Restrictive measures to combat coronavirus in the UK began to operate in late March. Since June, local authorities began to relax some restrictions.

During the pandemic in the UK, nearly 290 thousand cases of coronavirus infection were recorded. About 40 thousand people died. In terms of the number of deaths, the UK ranks second among the rest of the countries, the United States is on the first line.
