The UK’s New £5 Note is Not Making Vegetarians Happy


"We can confirm that the polymer pellet from which the base substrate is made contains a trace of a substance known as tallow," the Bank of England, said in a statement emailed to CNBC very recently.
"Tallow is derived from animal fats (suet) and is a substance that is also widely used in the manufacture of candles and soap."

The news triggered an online petition asking the central bank to remove the tallow and caused upset amongst British vegans, vegetarians and religious groups. The petition has received more 97,500 signatures.
"The new £5 notes contain animal fat in the form of tallow. This is unacceptable to millions of vegans, vegetarians, Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and others in the U.K.," the petition reads, asking the institution to cease the use of "animal products in the production of currency that we have to use."
Primarily due to its polymer material, a new stage for the U.K. currency was marked by the new five pound note — which features Sir Winston Churchill. All other notes in current circulation have been made out of paper prior to the introduction of the £5 note in September.
Bank of England is taking this issue 'really seriously'
While leading organizations and religious groups also weighed in on the debate, several individuals took to Twitter to express their fury following the tallow update.
"(Tallow) doesn't need be used in the notes at all as there are many plant-based alternatives," Ali Ryland, a spokesperson from The Vegan Society, said in a statement emailed to the media.
"Using animals in this way is outdated and unnecessary, not to mention the fact that it is obviously cruel. While vegans will be unable to opt out of using these notes, we hope that the Bank of England and their supplier take this seriously and use alternative, vegan-friendly sources for all future notes," Ryland added.
While Jews are not allowed to consume tallow, they are allowed to handle it, a spokesperson from the Board of Deputies of British Jews said in the meanwhile. "The new £5 note won't be problem for Jews unless they attempt to eat them," the spokesperson further added in the emailed statement to the media.
it may be "a massive issue" for those who choose this diet because they are concerned about animal welfare, while it wasn't necessarily an issue for those who follow a vegan/vegetarian diet for their own personal health, Lynne Elliot, the CEO of The Vegetarian Society, said when it comes to the issue of using tallow.
"I think that's really just because people take a lot of care and effort to try and avoid using products that are from animal slaughter, in their life," Lynne Elliot, The Vegetarian Society's CEO, told the media according to reports.
"So they're very careful about what cosmetics, cleanings products, clothing they use and they've got choices about all those things."
"But this is going to be very difficult for people to avoid using the currency of the land."
After the society spoke with the central bank on Tuesday night, the Bank of England had been very supportive of the situation, Elliot added.
"(The Bank of England) are taking this issue really seriously. They are listening. They are understanding that it's really concerning some people. They've set off to do a full investigation now," Elliot said.
The polymer Jane Austen £10 banknote due in 2017, and the J.M.W. Turner £20 banknote, due out by 2020 are the next two banknotes set to enter circulation soon are both—at present—expected to be made out of polymer.
"I'm really, really hoping we might be able to find an alternative going forward," Elliot added.