by Claire Papon

Jean Dubuffet (1901-1985), Masque de théâtre IV, 6 mars 1969 (Theater Mask IV, March 6, 1969), transfer on polyester, one-off piece originally mounted on a Plexiglas base, 39.5 x 31.5 x 5 cm/15.55 x 12.40 x 1.96 in. Estimate: €80,000/120,000
Success breeds success, they say. The children of Michelle Fagot, born Creuzevault, have every reason to be serene after deciding to sell a dozen paintings and sculptures they inherited. All they had to do was follow the sales dispersing the collection of Colette Creuzevault, Michelle’s older sister, held by De Baecque et Associés at Drouot on December 11, 2019 , November 20, 2020 and November 19, 2021. Henri Creuzevault (1905-1971), a famous bookbinder in the Art Deco period , was a friend of writers and artists who became a gallerist in the buzzing post-war period. The works that he and his daughter Colette collected met with a very warm welcome, totaling over €2.5 M at the first sale. After her father’s death, Colette took over the gallery, which was on avenue Matignon before moving to rue Mazarine in Paris. Sculpture played a leading role. César and Germaine Richier gifted works to Henri, who passed them on to Michelle. César is absent from the sale, but the Hurricane, as she was nicknamed by her friends and with whom the dealer signed an exclusive contract in the spring of 1959 before continuing to promote her work, is featured with three bronzes: Escrimeuse avec masque, 1943 (Fencer with Mask, 1943), L’Échiquier, petit, 1955 (Chessboard, Small, 1955) and Tarasque, 1955. Click here to read more