The Cligman Collection at Fontevraud Abbey: The Art of Conversation


Martine and Léon Cligman have donated their 900-work collection to the Royal Abbey of Our Lady of Fontevraud (Anjou), creating a unique modern art museum. How the works are displayed will determine sensitive formal, chromatic and intuitive harmonies.

by Christophe Averty

The Royal Abbaye of Fontevraud (sky view). © Région Pays de la Loire / M. Gross
The banks of the Loire are lined with white, tender tufa stone. All along the river and in the surrounding countryside, its pale color and rough yet soft texture unite Romanesque simplicity with Angevin Gothic  flamboyance, Renaissance  splendor with the elegant rigor of the Age of Enlightenment. The continuously reinvented Royal Abbey of Our Lady of Fontevraud has fostered uninterrupted dialog... read more