Snapchat Is A Growing Favourite Of Older Generation


Recent study display a reversal trend in the users of Snapchat and other social media.

The Snapchat platform of picture messaging has been traditionally associated with youngsters’ “trendy way to communicate” among themselves. However, the older generation was kept out of this loop.
Interestingly, eMarketer has come out with a new research which reveals that Snapchat users are not limited to young generation alone. The platform of Snapchat wherein “photos, video and text last only 24 hours” is becoming popular among American parents.
Within a time span of one year, from 2015 to 2016, as many as “4.5 million new users” have joined the Snapchat Messengers from the age group of twenty five to thirty four whereby marking an increment of “39.8%”; meanwhile “the 45 to 45 age group” contributed the “next biggest increase” of “35.2%”.  in comparison to the previous figures, the age group of “35 to 44” rose by only twenty nine percent.
Furthermore, Digitallook reports:
“The survey predicts consistent growth across all demographics over the next four years, with the 25 to 34 crowd eventually using the platform just as much as their peers age 18 to 24 (both at 25 million users by 2020)”.
Moreover, the giant social networking site, Facebook, also registered a growing surge of “older users”. In the initial stages Facebook was popular among university students. However, currently there is a “decreasing popularity” of Facebook among teenage children. According to eMarketer’s Cathy Boyle, the “short lifespan of Snapchat's messages” gives it an interesting twist, which infuses creativity with “specific environment”, whereby she stated:
“In a world in which there is an app for nearly everything, Snapchat has cut through the clutter by injecting fun back into social sharing”.