Daily Management Review

Seven Liquids More Expensive Than Oil


Dropping oil prices were one of the main news in the past year. In recent months, oil prices fell to $ 36 per barrel, more than 50% less than in July 2014.

At the moment, analysts, representatives of oil companies and industry experts are trying to make predictions about how the situation will affect the oil market in the coming years.

Most of them do not expect a quick rebound in oil prices and warn of the need to prepare for a prolonged period of low prices.

It’s going especially hard for US shale companies, the extraction cost for which is much higher than that for traditional methods.

Media is putting the wind up, too. In recent years, they have been speculating on topics like what will happen to the oil industry, and making dire predictions.

For example, Zerohedge.com compared oil prices with prices of other products, and drew up a list of products that are more expensive than oil, what turned out quite unexpected.

Today the oil price is $ 36 per barrel, or $ 0.83 per gallon. Below is a list of seven liquids worth much more.

1. Water

Price: $ 1.30 for a bottle

Price per gallon: $ 1.3

Difference with water: $ 0

Water is known to be the source of life. Many experts now say that in the future, water will become the raw material for which the struggle will unfold, as fresh water supply on the planet is limited even right now.

Some countries suffer from acute shortage of fresh water, which, according to analysts and experts, will only increase in the future.

2. Gasoline

Price: $ 2

Price per gallon: $ 2

Difference with water: $ 0.70

Gasoline is a product of oil refining. In the US, gasoline costs about $ 2 per gallon, which is about 52.6 cents per liter.

3. Milk

Price: $ 4.99 per package

Price per gallon: $ 4.99

Difference with water: $ 3.69

Milk is one of the most common foods sold worldwide, nutritious and healthy. Cow's milk is the most popular kind, widespread in various countries around the world, although goat, camel, sheep milk and even deer milk is popular in some regions as well.

Speaking about price of a liter of milk in the United States, it is $ 4.99 per gallon, or $ 1.3 per liter.

4. Soda

Price: $ 1 per pack

Price per gallon: $ 11.43

Difference with water: $ 10,13

Soft drinks still enjoy enormous popularity in the United States. Now, however, buyers are moving to «healthy» foods, including drinks.

5. Coffee Premium

Price: $ 3 for a large mug

Price per gallon: $ 19.20

Difference with water: $ 17,90

In the US, premium coffee is not a product that every family can afford. Not all are willing to spend $ 3 on a cup of coffee.

6. Wine

Price: $ 15 for a bottle

Price per gallon: $ 75.71

Difference with water: $ 74.41

In the United States, and indeed in Europe, not everyone is going to spend that much of money on wine, which, according to calculations, is more expensive than a barrel of oil.

7. Vodka

Price: $ 20

Price per gallon: $ 100.94

Difference with water: $ 99.64

A large proportion of vodka in the United States comes from Europe. Of course, there is also its own production, but the most popular vodka is of foreign origin.