Daily Management Review

Senate Removes Obstacle After Clearing Budget Deal


Senate clears major hurdles through budget deals that gathers a 63-35 vote ratio.

A major hurdle in the Senate was cleared following an “ambitious budget and debt deal” in the starting of today. Likewise, the stage is set for the Congress to create measures and “send it to President Barack Obama”.
The delaying tactics were not applicable as the vote count of the Senate stood at 63-35, whereby bagging the “necessary” sixty votes. The legislation aiming to avert “a catastrophic default” was criticized by the candidates of GOP presidential, while the legislation avoided “a partial shutdown” whereby declaring the coming two years “spending priorities” of the government.
Obama’s intervention in the form of negotiation with the leaders of either party, the Democrats and the Republicans has secured their accord on this matter. Moreover, leaders from both the sectors intended on moving “Congress away from the brinkmanship” whereby putting an end to “threats” that troubled the lawmakers over the years. Bendbulletin.com informed that:
“Former Speaker John Boehner felt a particular urgency days before leaving Congress, while lawmakers looked ahead to presidential and congressional elections next year”.
The Senate witness a strong opposition while Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. Being hopeful of White house quite the campaign and came back to the Capitol in order to comment on the “deal as excessive Washington spending”.
However, the Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas is confident the Senate would be able to gather the needed sixty votes so as to avoid any “delaying tactics” introduces by Paul and another presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas”, while Paul added:
“We’re saying here: ‘Mr. President, you can raise the debt as much as you want. You can spend as much as you want, and we’re going to do nothing’. In fact, we’re going to help you.”
Nevada’s campaign events were cancelled by Cruz whereby he came back to Washington to take part in the voting sessions. In his opinion, while he spoke in Senate on last Thursday, from the majority Republicans, Obama received a “diamond-encrusted, glow-in-the-dark Amex card” which would be used by the government. He adds:
“It’s a pretty nifty card. You don’t have to pay for it, you get to spend it and it’s somebody else’s problem.”
While the Bendbulletincom informs:
“The agreement would raise the government debt ceiling until March 2017, removing the threat of an unprecedented national default just days from now. At the same time, it would set the budget of the government through the 2016 and 2017 fiscal years and ease punishing spending caps by providing $80 billion more for military and domestic programs, paid for with a hodgepodge of spending cuts and revenue increases touching areas from tax compliance to spectrum auctions”.
