LinkedIn is all ready to unveil a new application that would help professionals to be more productive and successful by helping them easily find, learn about, and contact their co-workers.
The announcement was made in a blog written by the co-founder Ankit Gupta.
The concept of the new application, named LinkedIn Lookup, helps know what their co-workers were doing.
“When I co-founded Pulse back in April 2010 we only had two employees: me and my co-founder Akshay Kothari. We knew each other well, and of course we knew what the other was working on. But as our team grew, I began to worry more about our employees not knowing each other, and not knowing what everyone else was working on. And I was concerned about the impact this could have on our culture and productivity,” said Ankit Gupta in the blog.
The process began in April this year when LinkedIn found that more than 30 percent of members who search for people on LinkedIn each month end up finding their co-workers’ profiles and thus that much of their effort is put into vain.
Following this revelation the company, in an effort to find out the reason, conducted a survey among 814 professionals in North America regarding about the professionals utilize the intranets that are their companies have.
The survey revealed that a while 38 percent of the professionals surveyed said their companies’ intranets are effective at helping them learn about their co-workers, a large number, 58 percent, of the professional s would have wanted to know their co-worker if they managed to find co-workers with specific skills.
This has prompted the professional to look elsewhere to learn about their co-workers and this was proved to be true when 46 percent of the respondents conceded that they look up co-workers on LinkedIn to know about their skills and abilities. The reason the professionals looked for their co-workers on LinkedIn, according to Ankit Gupta, was that they found that it was easier to find co-workers on LinkedIn and know the exact professional info and the skills that the co-workers have and what they add to their profiles. This information from the website was regarded as more comprehensive and up-to-date than the intranets of many of the companies.
This realization prompted the company to design what they call Lookup.
The new application would help professionals to find their co-workers easily. The application would enable to search for co-workers by name, title, current and past experience, education, and skills in case one would forget the name of a specific co-worker but requires the expertise possessed by the co-worker for a specific work. This can be done by just entering the relevant trade in the search string. The application would provide the photos, names and titles of the co-workers whose LinkedIn profiles include the skill or title that were entered in the search string.
Lookup, the new LinkedIn app would allow professionals to view photo, title, work experience, education, top skills and work email address of co-workers even of the two are connected on LinkedIn. The app would also provide the mobile number if that had been given by the co-worker.
The app can be downloaded from the App Store as well as from the company website.
(Source: www.streetinsider.com)
The announcement was made in a blog written by the co-founder Ankit Gupta.
The concept of the new application, named LinkedIn Lookup, helps know what their co-workers were doing.
“When I co-founded Pulse back in April 2010 we only had two employees: me and my co-founder Akshay Kothari. We knew each other well, and of course we knew what the other was working on. But as our team grew, I began to worry more about our employees not knowing each other, and not knowing what everyone else was working on. And I was concerned about the impact this could have on our culture and productivity,” said Ankit Gupta in the blog.
The process began in April this year when LinkedIn found that more than 30 percent of members who search for people on LinkedIn each month end up finding their co-workers’ profiles and thus that much of their effort is put into vain.
Following this revelation the company, in an effort to find out the reason, conducted a survey among 814 professionals in North America regarding about the professionals utilize the intranets that are their companies have.
The survey revealed that a while 38 percent of the professionals surveyed said their companies’ intranets are effective at helping them learn about their co-workers, a large number, 58 percent, of the professional s would have wanted to know their co-worker if they managed to find co-workers with specific skills.
This has prompted the professional to look elsewhere to learn about their co-workers and this was proved to be true when 46 percent of the respondents conceded that they look up co-workers on LinkedIn to know about their skills and abilities. The reason the professionals looked for their co-workers on LinkedIn, according to Ankit Gupta, was that they found that it was easier to find co-workers on LinkedIn and know the exact professional info and the skills that the co-workers have and what they add to their profiles. This information from the website was regarded as more comprehensive and up-to-date than the intranets of many of the companies.
This realization prompted the company to design what they call Lookup.
The new application would help professionals to find their co-workers easily. The application would enable to search for co-workers by name, title, current and past experience, education, and skills in case one would forget the name of a specific co-worker but requires the expertise possessed by the co-worker for a specific work. This can be done by just entering the relevant trade in the search string. The application would provide the photos, names and titles of the co-workers whose LinkedIn profiles include the skill or title that were entered in the search string.
Lookup, the new LinkedIn app would allow professionals to view photo, title, work experience, education, top skills and work email address of co-workers even of the two are connected on LinkedIn. The app would also provide the mobile number if that had been given by the co-worker.
The app can be downloaded from the App Store as well as from the company website.
(Source: www.streetinsider.com)