Daily Management Review

Global Impact and REF join hands to tackle the problems of eco-system restoration

Global Impact partners with REF to help it restore North-America’s Amazon to its pristine beauty A leader in the growing global field of philanthropy, Global Impact, is an organization that builds successful partnerships. It does so by raising resources to help the world’s most vulnerable...

Call for action as 90-150 Million tons of CO2 emissions are released into the atmosphere

A study conducted by T&E, BirdLife and EEB, shows the economic and fiscal impact of carbon emissions and the need for further tweaking the ETS system as well as the need for further regulations so as to ensure brighter future. A Study conducted by BirdLife Europe along with the European...

Ways to Improve the Strategic Planning

In most companies, the process of creating a standard strategy includes three mandatory elements: 1) You are waiting for the annual report and then make plans and revise strategy; 2) You are coming from a SWOT analysis; 3) You start the process with a long and painful exercise trying to put...

A Visionary Leadership – Key to Success

With imagination and insight, visionary leaders create a new dawn. Leadership is the basic pillar of foundation for success of any organization. It is an act of correctly identifying vital objectives and inspiring the team members to devote themselves completely towards accomplishment of the set...

Apple, Intel aim to bring more diversity in Tech sector

US-based Technology company Apple Inc has recently announced a $50 million donation to bring more diversity in the Technology sector which is grappling with skewed diversity ratios. The company’s annual shareholder meeting also emphasized on the stark lack of diversity in Silicon Valley. It is...

Standard Chartered CEO To Step Down - A Dramatic Management Shakeout

Bill Winters appointed as CEO of Standard Chartered Banks, who will be replacing Peter Sands Standard Chartered boardroom was completely shaken, with company’s chairman, CEO and four board members heading towards the exit due to rising disappointment about bank’s performance. Peter Sands, one among...
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