Japanese airline JAL plans to pay each up to $1,400 to each employee


One of the leading air carriers in Japan, Japan Airlines (JAL) announced its intention to pay each employee up to 150 thousand yen (about $1.4 thousand) as measures to support personnel amid a significant drop in the number of flights due to the coronavirus epidemic, Kyodo reported.

Tom Fisk
It is assumed that the first payments to employees can be sent in early July. In total, the company employs about 36 thousand people.

Against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic and the reduction in the number of flights, JAL operating losses for the first three months of the current calendar year are estimated at 20 billion yen (about $ 186 million). Amid losses in the company, Yoshiharu Ueki, chairman of the airline’s board, has already announced his intention to give up his summer bonuses, the agency said.

On March 11, the World Health Organization announced an outbreak of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 with a pandemic. According to the latest WHO data, more than 8.5 million cases of infection have been identified in the world, more than 456 thousand people have died. In Japan, 18,593 cases of coronavirus infection have been identified to date. A total of 967 people died, 16 735 people recovered.

source: kyodonews.net