J&J fined $750M in USA because of asbestos in talc


Court in the US state of New Jersey ordered Johnson & Johnson (J&J) to pay $ 750 million in compensation for moral damages to four plaintiffs who claimed to be ill because of asbestos in the manufacturer’s talcum powder, the Wall Street Journal reported.

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The judge, presiding over the process and citing state law, said that she would reduce this fine to $ 186.5 million so that it would not more than five times exceed the amount of $ 37 million - this was how much the court in New Jersey awarded a similar claim in compensation for direct damage in April 2019.

The second phase of the process attracted attention of observers as J&J’s Head Alex Gorsky participated in it as a witness. To do this, the top manager literally just had to cross the street - the company's headquarters is located a few blocks from the courthouse.

J&J said it would appeal both verdicts because of "numerous legal errors" made during the process.

source: wsj.com