IT Giants: Girls are Welcomed


Analysts at Deutsche Bank published a study in which they analyzed the job of high-tech companies in Silicon Valley. It is reported by Business Insider.

Experts have found a link between the description of working conditions and changes in the value of shares in companies, as well as some other laws. In addition, the researchers conducted a textual analysis of employment ads.

It turned out that girl versed in cloud technologies are the most popular among employers. Judging by the other hit the top words and phrases, the pretender must have developed intelligence, the ability to handle large amounts of data and willingness to build equal relations with colleagues.

The applicants do not have to be a US citizen.

Deutsche Bank analysts also examined job financial and energy sectors. But in none of them the requirement for applicants to be that girl occur so often.

At the same time, a new trend emerges among the IT companies - Facebook, LinkedIn, Airbnb and other large Internet companies in Silicon Valley have stepped up search for trainees among the students and graduates of American schools.

Battle for prospective employees is becoming so acute among technology companies that they are trying to seize the right talent among 15-17 year old school students. In addition, companies increase the amount of remuneration for the internship, which may also attract young people.

Last year, Facebook took 17-year-old Michael Sayman at a summer internship, and Mark Zuckerberg, the head the social network, met him personally. "When I received an email that Mark Zuckerberg wants to meet with me, I immediately began to check, if someone made a joke of me" - said Sayman, a recent graduate of the school in Miami, who developed the popular game 4Snaps. According to him, he began to create mobile applications being 13 years old.

Social network LinkedIn has opened an internship program for high school students two years ago. In the past year, Yahoo bought a startup Summly by 17-year-old developer Nick D'Aloizio and took it to work, and the youngest trainee in the short-term rental service Airbnb is 16 years old.

In addition, one of the investors Facebook, Peter Thiel previously offered professionals under 20 years of $ 100 thousand, if they cease to study and create their own startup.

According to the website Glassdoor, the average trainee developers in Silicon Valley get to 6 thousand dollars a month. Of the 10 US companies with the highest salaries of trainees, only Exxon Mobil does not belong to the technology sector.

In addition, the youngsters are provided with additional benefits - free housing, transportation and meals. There are also unusual bonuses - for example, Microsoft organizes concerts of popular artists for trainees, Dropbox pay for flights to San Francisco for their parents, and Google provides the trainees a complete package for employees, including a free massage and laundry.

However, the involvement of underage interns creates some difficulties for the company, including work permits and permission from parents. In addition, not all companies in Silicon Valley welcomed such young employees - the world's largest Internet company Google requires that trainees are at least beginning students and encourages them to complete their training.