Huawei loses access to Google Apps due to US sanctions


Chinese telecommunications corporation Huawei has problems accessing Google’s applications due to US sanctions. Sources told the Financial Times that the corporation managed to find a replacement for most of the equipment they bought in the US, but so far they have not been able to find an alternative to Google services.

According to Huawei’s vice president for public relations, customers with old Chinese mobile phones still have access to the Google Play app store, Google Maps and other Google services. However, these services will not be available on new Huawei models. Because of this, Huawei fears outflow of foreign buyers.

To solve the problem, the Chinese corporation is developing an alternative operating system, called Harmony. However, the system is “still far from ready,” and it will take years to develop it.

“After the publication of the US blacklist, we were able to find some alternative solutions. The most difficult question is Google services. We can continue to use the Android platform because it has open source code, but we cannot use technologies that help applications run on this platform,” said a spokeswoman for Huawei.

China Telecommunications Corporation has been under US sanctions since May, 2019. US companies are prohibited from working with the Chinese corporation to protect their infrastructure from possible external threats. Contrary to sanctions, Huawei reported revenue growth by 26.7% in the third quarter on October 16.
