Global Economy Is At The Risk Of Getting Hurt By Trump Policies: Bridgewater’s Dalia


The founder of Bridgewater considers this to be a crucial time when the balance of Trump policies and global economy stands at an “important” corner.

“Bridgewater Associates LP” is the “largest hedge fund” of the world which was founded by Ray Dalio, whereby the latter showed his increasing concern in regards to the “populist” policies taken up by the administration of President Trump, as he fears that these policies “could hurt the world economy”.
According to Dalio and his Co-chief investment officer, Bob Prince, even though these policies reflect pro-business stance taken up by Trump, their benefits could be overshadowed by their “detrimental effects”. In a note, Prince and Dalia, pointed out:
“We are now in a period of time when how this balance tilts will be more important to the economy, markets, and our well-beings than normally dominant drivers such as central bank policies”.
“While there is a lot of potential to improve fiscal policies and make beneficial structural reforms, there is also a significant risk that his populist policies could hurt the world economy (and worse).”
However, Dalia’s November statement praised “Trump’s policies” to spread its broad “positive” impacts on the economy of the United States, while he also added that the “bond prices likely made a ‘30-year top’”. Last week, Trump has put a hold on the refugee inflow in the U.S. for a period of four months, while there is also a temporary ban on the Syrian travellers along with the tourists from “six other Muslim-majority countries” to set foot in the U.S.
Given these circumstances, Bridgewater detects about “$150 billion in client assets”.