Faber Castle Taps Into The ‘Opportunity’ Of Digital Era


Traditional pencil and digital revolution come together to provide the next level of experience to the users.

In the digital age, one would think it to be normal that the concept of pencil has become a historic item suited only for dustbin. However, Faber Castle has launched a “platform” in Brazil sometimes last year, for artists to “share their work and creative ideas”.
Moreover, the pencil maker is also starting “fine art academies in Japan and Lebanon” whereby with the model on the “one in Stein, outside Nuremberg”, a place for the company to create around “150 million” colour pencil on a yearly basis.
There is another factory on a larger scale in Brazil which “produces more than 2 billion each year”. If the company’s entire strength is counted then its “annual production would go round the world 10 times”. For nine generations, the company has been in one family and survived through “repeated threats to its existence”.
Furthermore, Reuters added:
“The castle overlooking its factory was commandeered by the Nazis and, after World War Two, requisitioned by the Americans to house journalists covering the Nuremberg war crimes trials.
“And, in a case of what today might be called digital disruption, the invention of electronic calculator in the 1970s destroyed Faber-Castell’s sideline making slide rules virtually overnight”.
Nevertheless, last year, the company brought in the first C.E.O of the company, Rogger, who is not part of the family. In fact, Rogger sees digital era with its social platforms as an “opportunity”. With a “background in the luxury watch industry”, the forty nine year old C.E.O, stated”
“It enables us to get very close to our customers, to our consumers, to interact, to get direct feedback on our products, on trends”.