Express Scripts To Remove Philidor From Its Network


Express Scripts informs about its relationship status with Philidor. reports the statement that was issued by the Express Scripts to the former informing on matters of “its relationship with Philidor”.
In fact, it has experienced “intense scrutiny” about its relationship with Valeant Pharma. This development occurred only over the “past few weeks”.
In the statement Express Scripts mentioned that it is in the midst of carrying out the termination process of network relationship with Philidor pharmacy. Moreover, Express Scripts will be evaluating “the other four pharmacies” with which Valeant Pharma has hed similar relationship.
In addition to that, Express Scripts will also perform a review and evaluation on all “similar captive pharmacy arrangements” that are in the know of the company, while the rest will identified, informed Express Scripts. While explaining the meaning of “captive pharmacies”, Express Scripts writes:
“By captive pharmacies, we mean those pharmacies that derive the vast majority of their prescription volume from one manufacturer and/or one product”.
Moreover, Express Scripts also adds:
“It is important to clarify the difference between 1) niche pharmacies that are operated by manufacturers to push a particular product, and 2) specialty pharmacies like Accredo that deliver a superior level of specialized care for patients living with complex, specialty conditions. These two business models are very different”.
The company of Express Scripts examine their network system on a regular basis, whereby in case they find any pharmacy “trying to circumvent solutions”, Express Scripts takes immediate actions against them. For example:
“...formulary management, that protect payers and patients from wasteful drug spend”.
