Ericsson Mobility forecasts nearly fourfold increase in mobile traffic by 2025


The average monthly traffic consumed by users by 2025 will reach 24 GB from the current 7.2 GB, the Ericsson Mobility Report states.

"Due to the rapid development of the 5G ecosystem in the next six years, the number of connections to 5G networks will exceed 2.6 billion. The average traffic consumption per smartphone will increase from the current 7.2 GB to 24 GB by the end of 2025. The future rapid growth is associated with the emergence of new services, including the ability to watch streaming video using virtual and augmented reality technologies," the document says.

The volume of traffic at 7.2 GB per month is 21 minutes of HD video (1280x720) per day, and 24 GB per month is 30 minutes of HD video and 6 minutes of content in VR daily.

Experts indicate that in 2019 5G services were launched in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North America. In total, about half of the operators in the world announced the intention to launch commercial 5G networks; 10 million connections were registered in 5G networks in October.

“It is expected that by the end of 2019, 5G networks will have 13 million connections. In 2020, the development of 5G services will accelerate - conditions will be created for the mass introduction of 5G technologies, and by the end of 2025 there will be 2.6 billion connections to 5G networks in the world. By the end of 2025, 65% of the world’s population will live in the area of 5G networks, which will generate 45% of global mobile traffic," the company forecasts.

Experts note that despite the development of 5G networks, LTE will remain the dominant mobile technology in the next six years. In 2022, 5.4 billion global connections to LTE networks are expected, and then, due to the migration of subscribers to the 5G network, the number of connections to LTE will lower and will decrease to 4.8 billion in 2025.
