Daily Management Review

Five Bubbles of QE programme

At the beginning of this year, the European central bank started the program of repayment of assets of 60 billion euros a month. However, with the first signs of turbulence in the financial markets, the extension of the program in May and June was declared. Thus, the volume of freshly printed money...

The Bank of Vatican's Profit Rose More than 20 Times

The bank connects positive results with reduction of operating expenses, successful trade operations with securities, and increase of transparency, thanks to the carried-out reforms. The net profit of Vatican Bank in 2014 made 69,3 million euros. Thus, for last year, the profit of the organization...

RBC retracts new set of fees after heavy backlash

The so-called 'pay-to-pay fees' was set to be charged for some RBC customers from June 1 but heavy backlash forced the company to rethink the policy change. Canada-based Royal Bank of Canada is retracting a plan to charge customers transaction fees for loans, mortgage payments and debit...

Economy Weaknesses Are Becoming More and More Prominent

We had two better than average GDP quarters in mid-2014, and that is about it. The 4th quarter returned back to a 2.2 percent development rate. The principal evaluation of the 1st quarter 2015 was up by just 0.2 percent; however that will more likely than not be overhauled down into negative domain...

Planting Condition and Weather, Major Factors for Food Supply

It is uncommon that the United States sees record consecutive production of grains (wheat, corn, or soybeans), the quick start to plantings. With 55% of the country's corn acreage planted as of May 4th, it implies over a large portion of the corn product ought to escape hot climate amid the basic...

Google’s ‘Buy Button’ a Big Worry for Retailers

The constant movement to everything mobile, obviously, is the reason. Customers are utilizing their cell phones to look for items and purchase them on the web. The screen size offers no space for Google's hunt promotions, in addition to customers incline toward the simplicity of having the capacity...

The Senate, the vote and free trade

The Senate neglected to break a delay on an exchange help bill today and against exchange gatherings. In the event that they think the Senate vote rang the demise chime for the bill and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, however, they're presumably in for dissatisfaction. The Senate vote spoke to a...

LA votes to increase minimum wage to $15-an-hour

The second-largest city in the US votes in favor of wage reforms, possibly creating ripple effect in the country Los Angeles has voted to increase the minimum wage in the city from $9 an hour to $15 an hour by 2020.   The second-largest city in the US has voted for the reform amidst rallying...

China Overtook France in Vineyards

China overtook France in the vineyards area, taking in the world ranking second only to Spain. In terms of wine production China, however, remains on the 8th place in the world. The first place is occupied by France, where the vineyards are reduced. This data was presented by International Vine...

Finter Bank to Pay $5.41 Million in U.S. Tax Agreement

Finter Bank Zurich agreed to pay a fine of 5.4 million dollars for concealing accounts of Americans who evaded taxes. As reported on Friday by the US Department of Justice, "the bank signed an agreement on cooperation in all criminal and civil processes, thereby demonstrating the intention to...
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