Daily Management Review

Shutterstock to Expand the Business

Shutterstock plans to become a leading supplier of photos to entertainment and high fashion. The player plans to overtake Getty Images by a deal with the owner of Variety magazine. It is reported by Financial Times. Variety owns the rights to pictures from Hollywood and other points key for the...

Going to Greece? Stock Up Some Cash!

Experts recommend travelers visiting Greece stock up cash for at least 3-4 days for trouble-free existence, reports Bloomberg. - We recommend that those, who are planning a trip to Greece, should be careful, - said David Swann, the representative of Travelex, which specializes in currency exchange,...

The Chinese Took the First Place Among Foreign Purchases of US Property

Chinese buyers took the first place among the foreigners who buy housing in the United States. It is reported by The Wall Street Journal. According to the National Association of Realtors, last year the proportion of Chinese citizens among the foreigners who buy residential real estate rose from 12...

Airbus Goes Ahead Boeing

European aircraft concern Airbus Group SE beats its main rival Boeing Co. by the number of orders at the air show in Le Bourget, after signing the contract for the supply of 110 aircrafts to air carrier Wizz Air, reports the agency Bloomberg. Hungarian lowcoster ordered single-aisle aircraft...

Shell Gets Stuck in Seattle

Environmentalists blocked the drilling platform Shell Polar Pioneer, which is going to leave the port of Seattle (USA) to the shores of Alaska to begin drilling offshore. According to the website of Greenpeace, 13 kayaking activists blocked the road to the drilling platform, forming a live barrier...

US Markets Ups and Downs

The volume of industrial production in the US decreased by 0.2% in May 2015 compared with the previous month, the Federal Reserve System report said. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg, expected an increase in the same amount. For six months, industrial production in the United States shows no...

Tsipras postive about a new compromise deal on debts

Greek PM hints at a new compromise deal to clear the debts, while getting the next tranche of loans from its troika of creditors Greek PM Alexis Tsipras has hinted that he is almost close to creating a compromise deal with creditors, aiming to not default on its debts and keep its place in the...

Chevron’s Major Big Foot Oil Project Faces another Series of Setbacks

Chevron Corp has been facing a series of major setbacks on its Big Foot oil project. Nine of the total sixteen connectors have sunk to the sea bed without any clear reason. Situation of them are now being assessed in order to get the project on track factoring in the indefinite timeline delays....

Robin Hood is Getting Unpopular

In the world of inequality, an egalitarian robber always been an attractive character - from the English Robin Hood to the US Jesse James. Many countries like to make heroes out of the bandits who take money from the rich and give to the poor. The economy, in the most primitive sense, also supports...

EP to Hold Russia Back

June 10, Wednesday, at the plenary session in Strasbourg, MEPs approved a resolution based on the report of the Lithuanian deputy Gabrielius Landsbergis. 494 deputies supported the draft resolution of Landsbergis, 135 voted against, another 69 abstained. Resolution of the European Parliament are...
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