Daily Management Review

A Fresh Bid On Buyout Boosts Starwood Hotel’s Shares

Starwood sees a rise of “$76 per share in cash” in “pre-market trade”. Following the announcement of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, wherein it revealed a receipt of “an unsolicited buyout bid” which came from an association of companies at “$76 per share in cash”, the Starwood group saw...

China Hopes That EU Will Grant Its ‘Market Economy Status’

According to the commitments made by the EU, China should receive a “market economic status” by the end of the year. However, at present, the said issue has become a debatable subject. China urged the European Union to abide by the rules and regulations of the World Trade Organization and in turn...

ECB Cuts Down Interest Rates While Boosting QE

Slow growth in global economy coupled with the low inflation rates made ECB bring down the margins on its interest rates. On the 10th of March 2016, the European Central Bank took a decisive step to attend to the “low inflation and the global economic slowdown” that has been prolonging so far....

‘Bidding War’ May Be At The Corner

As LSE “target price” gets a boost following its merger with Deutsche Boerse, the CS predict a possible “bidding war”. The previous Credit Suisse’s London Stock Exchange figures that rested at “2,900p” jumped up to “3,350p” reflecting the accumulating “value of cost synergies” to the shareholders...

The Rich Buy Luxury Yachts Even as Global Wealth Declines

The spending by rich had increased by 40% in 2015 compared to a year earlier even as the year was marked as one with an overall decline in global wealth for the first time since the financial collapse in 2008.   But the rich have proved that as wealth falls, spending rises.  ...

Apprehensions over Deeper Negative Rates by ECB brings down Euro

After New Zealand set the bar high with a surprise rate cut that sent its currency tumbling, expectations for a fresh shot of stimulus from the European Central Bank on Thursday pushed down the euro and government bond yields.   With London's FTSE, the DAX in Frankfurt and the CAC40 in...

Americans Are Leading in the Investment Banking Race

Five of the largest American investment banks in 2015 surpassed their competitors from Europe by almost all financial indicators. Revenue of US investment banks last year amounted to $ 138.5 billion, meanwhile revenues of European – to $ 60.1 billion. The total pre-tax profit of US investment banks...

MarketWatch: Donald Trump Will Bring the US to Crisis

MarketWatch’s financial columnist Brett Arends believes that the economic program of presidential candidate of the United States Donald Trump is a path that might lead to debt crisis. Basing on Congressional Budget Office calculations, US Tax Policy Centre and the US Internal Revenue Fund, he in...

China Plans 6.5-7% GDP Growth in 2016

China plans to ensure the growth of its economy to 6.5-7% this year against 6.9% in 2015, said Prime Minister of the State Council of China Li Keqiang, speaking on Saturday in a speech at the session of National People's Congress (NPC), the country’s legislature. The Chinese government's policy...

As Markets Lose Faith, Global Economy in for a ‘Gathering Strom’: BIS Chief

Warning of a “gathering storm” which has long been brewing, the Bank of International Settlements has said that a fragile calm in global financial markets has given way to all-out turbulence.   Investors were concerned governments around the world were running out of policy options, warned...
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