Daily Management Review

Oil Markets Strike A Balance Amid The Hurts Caused By Waning Asian Demands

Asia is not demanding as much oil, while finally after the Brexit turmoil, oil futures seem to find steady footings. On Monday, 04th of July 2016, the oil futures began to steady down after the Saudi energy minister’s comments, wherein the latter informed that the markets were able to strike come...

The Budgetary ‘Surplus Target’ Of 2020 Has No Future

The chancellor Osborne, who announced the contradictory surplus budget target, has decided to abandon the same. The target of the chancellor George Osborne, who sought to effectuate a “government finances” restoration by the year of 2020, has been abandoned by him. During a speech in Manchester,...

EU cities are fighting for the financial center's title

The first news about results of the UK’s voting on leaving the EU made London’s future as one of the world's major financial centers foggy. Officials from Paris, Frankfurt and Dublin, meanwhile, decided to reduce the British capital’s influence on the European financial sector. The day after the...

Why Aramco's IPO is a juicy contract for investment banks

When there was news that Saudi Arabia announced possible IPO of its state-owned oil company in January, the first reaction on Wall Street was a shock. Later, however, Dubai - the financial center of the Middle East - received a lot of calls from bankers in London and New York. Investment banks...

Nissan sued South Korea

The Japanese company Nissan filed a lawsuit against the Ministry of Environment of South Korea. According to the company’s representatives, the authorities has wrongly accused Nissan of cheating and understating the actual emissions of harmful substances. Earlier, the Ministry demanded from Nissan...

Chance to Take Away London Finance Crown by Scotland Presented by Brexit

According to U.K. lawmaker Mark Garnier, there can be a silver lining for Scotland despite all the uncertainty that Scotland faces with the cloud of Britain’s exit from the European Union.   Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon described a second independence referendum north of the...

JV for Gas Generation, Underground Gas Storage in China Signed Between Gazprom And CNPC

Even while China’s worst economic slowdown in a quarter century batters demand, Gazprom PJSC, the world’s top natural gas exporter, will join hands for a new contract with the Asian nation as President Vladimir Putin travels to Beijing. TASS reported that a a memorandum of understanding on...

Google says ‘Surge’ in Searches on Irish Passports post Brexit

A majority of the UK electorate has chosen to turn its back on EU - the biggest political project in the world and according to Google a lot of the voters aren’t really sure. At around midnight British time, two hours after the referendum polls closed, Google's Trends Twitter account...

What Brexit has already done

Irish low-budget airline Ryanair has arranged sale of tickets to Europe, linked to the outcome of the referendum in the UK. The sale will be held during the day. Ryanair has released 1 million extremely cheap tickets, marketing them under "Need to escape?" slogan. The advertising depicts three...

Brexit Fallout – BlackRock’s top investment strategist says Sterling could weaken further

Confusions reigns in financial markets as a fallout of Brexit. Investors seen dumping assets even those that are not related to Brexit – such as U.S. stocks and bonds from emerging markets. As per Ewen Cameron Watt, a top investment strategist at BlackRock Inc -the world’s largest asset manager...
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