Daily Management Review

The EU is ready to recognize China as a market economy

The European Commission (EC) is developing a plan on recognition China as a market economy, but only if the country’s government abolishes anti-dumping duties and significant reduces excess capacity in the steel industry. This way, Brussels is trying to find a compromise between China’s desire to...

Britain Loses ‘£63bn’ Every Year For Lacking In Digital Skills

Barclays’ online poll reveals a lack in digital skills among British employees. One of Barclay’s poll revealed that there is a lack in digital skills among the staff in Britain, whereby proving the failure of British employers to provide appropriate training to their employees for executing their...

Where millionaires live: top 10 countries

Four countries of the world are home for more than 60% of total number of millionaires in the world (HNWI, high-net-worth individual) according to World Wealth Report by Capgemini Consulting. A person with high income is defined as an owner of "investable assets of at least $ 1 million or more,...

'Passport' for U.S. Hedge Funds in Europe Backed by EU Watchdog

The financial watchdog of the European Union is of the view that the largest economic block of the world should allow hedge funds from the United States, Singapore and Hong Kong to market themselves in the European Union.   This recommendation, according to many,  is a taste of what...

Revenues from Arab oil exports fell by $ 24 billion

Exports of crude oil from Arab countries amounted to $ 50.4 billion in the I quarter of this year, local media reported. This is $ 24 billion less than volume of crude oil exported by the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) in the first quarter of 2015. This reduction is a...

Low-Rates & ‘Flatter Yield-Curve’ Challenge Financial Institutions

The long-term low rates worry the U.S. Banks. Amid the preparation of mortgage bankers for “a historic boom” to have reached its end thanks to the “low interest rates”, the borrowers too have started to knock at bankers’ door once again.   According to last week’s earnings reports:...

JPMorgan proposed a plan to rescue the Italian banks

Three months ago, when the banking problems in Italy resumed, it was decided to use Atlas financial assistance fund. However, this did not rectify the situation. Indeed, Atlas fund, volume of which amounted to 5 billion euros, could not save the Italian banks. They, besides the point, have...

China Second Quarter Growth Strength Surprises Many but Also Reveals Growing Risks

With suggestions emerging that future weakness which could pressure the government to roll out more support measures, in the second quarter private investment growth shrank to a record low in China even though the country’s economy expanded slightly faster than expected in the same period.  ...

Globalization: the world looks better without walls

Globalization is an unstoppable force, which inevitably makes the world more united. Now, however, it seems to be receding. Trade growth has not yet reached the pace that had been marked before the financial crisis of 2008. Donald Trump is building his campaign on fears about free trade and...

U.S. Pushes China to Comply to Trade Enforcement Agreement in case of Raw Material Export Duties

Arguing they violate Beijing's commitments to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and give an unfair advantage to Chinese manufacturers, the United States challenged China's export duties on nine key metals and minerals.   China said that the duties had been imposed as part of efforts at...
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