Daily Management Review

M&A deals of US banks peaked heights of 2009

US regulators have introduced a set of rules to avoid collapse of systemically important credit institutions. However, smaller banks have to merge to cope with costs of meeting these requirements. The largest banks in the country are actually not allowed to make big deals, yet regional banks are...

Norway revs up oil production

Oil production in Norway in July 2016 increased to a record volume for the last five years, exceeding forecasts of experts, said the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD). According to the NPD, local Norwegian producers are doing everything possible to increase oil production and to compensate for...

European banks are going all cash

European banks and insurance companies are considering custody of money reserves in cash as more financially justifiable in terms of further rate cuts, writes Financial Times. If the world’s financial institutions adopt such a practice, it would undermine ability of central banks to stimulate...

Three major US indices set records for the first time since 1999

Major US stock indices S&P 500, Dow Jones and NASDAQ synchronously reached historic highs during trading on August 11. Last time this happened in 1999. Value of S&P 500 rose to 2188.45 points during the trading session. This is the highest opening in the index’s history, which began publication...

Americans owe $ 12.3 trillion

In the second quarter of the year, debt of the US population increased by $ 35 billion to $ 12.3 trillion. Such a growth was triggered by Fed’s low interest rate, and entailed increased volume of car loans, an increase in credit card debt. Volume of educational and mortgage loans fell slightly....

Bank Of England’s Survey Reinforces Signs of ‘Weaker Economy’

Consumer spending slows down while business services begin to crawl. On Wednesday, the 10th of August 2016, the Bank of England came out with a survey result that deals with the slow growth of business services and the customer spending rates, which has been partly affected by Britain’s voting...

Despite China Concerns, Emerging Market Attracting Investors

The emerging economies are gaining the confidence of investors who are being driven by the hunt for yield but this time there are a few key differences this time in the investment types.   Measured by the MSCI Emerging Markets Index, emerging market equities have rallied by 13 percent since...

The EU announced fiscal targets for Spain and Portugal

EU authorities have established new fiscal targets for Spain and Portugal after cancellation of penalties to these countries for the failure of budgetary obligations. Eurozone finance ministers said that Portugal should implement consolidation measures in the amount of 0.25% of GDP in 2016. The...

Snapshot of Trump’s Proposed Economic Measures Compared

After Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump gave a glimpse of economic agenda in a speech in Detroit on Monday, it is but pertinent to compare his strategy with both the current situation and the ideas from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, including some of Trump's main...

Its Domestic Banks’ Cash Crunch being Addressed by Saudi Arabia

In its efforts to stave off the worst of a cash crunch among its banks, Saudi Arabia may be embarking on a new phase.   Sources conversant with the functioning of the kingdom’s banking system said that to help ease liquidity constraints, about 15 billion riyals ($4 billion) in short-term...
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