Daily Management Review

As Much as $1 Trillion could be Wiped Out of the US Economy If Trump Beats Clinton: Oxford Report

According to Oxford Economics, there can be grave implications for the world’s largest economy by a win for U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump.   U.K.-based economists Jamie Thompson and Sarah Maxwell said in a note that 5 percent off where U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) would...

Following Brainard Warning, Fed Looks Unlikely to Hike Rates Next Week

In comments that solidified the view the central bank would leave interest rates unchanged next week, Fed Governor Lael Brainard said that the Federal Reserve should avoid removing support for the U.S. economy too quickly.   Brainard said that the United States still looked vulnerable to...

Saudi Arabia is now leading the world's oil production

Saudi Arabia elbowed the United States from position of the largest oil-producing country in the world, says report of the International Energy Agency. Expected balance of global oil market has been delayed, the agency warned. Saudi Arabia managed to outflank US oil production. Since May, daily...

ECB Pressure on Governments to Splash the Cash Speculated after Draghi Speech

Speculation that the European Central Bank is pressuring governments to take up the baton to simulate growth was prompted after a rather muted and lackluster media conference by Mario Draghi, the president of the central bank.   In investors were disappointed as Draghi gave very few hints on...

Two leading banks improved outlook on Brexit consequences

Economists from Credit Suisse and Morgan Stanley improved growth forecast for 2016 and 2017. They abandoned their expectations of recession, but experts still believe that the decision on Brexit will continue to constrain growth of the British economy. The revision stems from good indicators of the...

UK Recovers A Part Of Its Pension ‘Fund Deficit’

Within a month’s period, the pension fund gains “£100bn”. Digitallook reports that overall the deficit of “pension funds” in the United Kingdom has grown by “£100bn” within a month’s time, whereby totalling to “£710bn”. Moreover, the PricewaterhouseCooper’s research showed that the liability of the...

PMI Data Shows Rebound Growth In U.K’s Manufacturing Unit, Beats Expectations

Brexit hit gets recovered in the manufacturing sector of the U.K. According to data, in the month of August 2016, the manufacturing sector in the U.K. performed better than it was expected. The index of UK’s “manufacturing purchasing managers” attained to the highest position on the ten months time...

Room for New Ideas and More Easing in the Economy, says BOJ.s Kuroda

While shrugging off growing market concerns that the Bank of Japan is reaching its limits after an already massive stimulus program, the bank’s Governor Haruhiko Kuroda signaled his readiness to ease monetary policy further using existing or new tools.   The BOJ head also affirmed that there...

Capgemini: Quantitative easing creates new millionaires

Fresh publication of Cap Gemini’s "World Wealth Report" showed surprising consequences of the world's central banks’ quantitative easing in 2015. Number of millionaires in the world has increased not only in the United States and China, but also in Japan, as well as in the Netherlands and Norway....

The 'Golden Age of Growth' Moves East as the Currency Markets Shrink

The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) noted a tilt away from London towards financial districts in Asia as volumes in global currency markets shrunk in the last three years.   The overall trading in foreign exchange markets averaged $5.1 trillion per day in April 2016, showed the...
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