EU to allocate €10m to help Lebanese war victims


The European Commission revealed that it will provide €10 million in humanitarian assistance to help Lebanese citizens impacted by the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel.

As the conflict quickly intensifies, individuals in Lebanon are experiencing severe levels of violence. By doing this, innocent civilians are bearing the cost of the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel. According to a statement published on Sunday evening, EC member for crisis management Janez Lenarčič expressed the intention to offer immediate assistance to people of Lebanon impacted by the recent conflicts, including both citizens and refugees in the country.

The European Commissioner stated that “it is currently crucial for all parties to abide by international humanitarian law.”

The document details how emergency humanitarian funding is meant to address immediate needs like providing food, shelter, and healthcare.

The European Commission is confident in its ability to offer more assistance by utilizing all emergency response tools, including the civil protection mechanism.

The European Commission stated that, with the addition of the present sum, the European Union has designated 74 million euros for humanitarian aid to Lebanon's disadvantaged population in 2024.
