The probe, which is expected to take nine to fourteen months to complete, is prompted by "unfair discrimination of European companies and goods".
Government regulations, according to the commission, have caused China's medical device procurement sector to progressively close up to international businesses, particularly those in Europe, as well as to EU-made items.
The regulator extends an invitation for communication with the Chinese authorities to end discriminatory practices. Should negotiations break down, the European Commission may take the step of enacting remedies, such as barring Chinese firms from competing for key contracts or lowering their tender rankings.
Government regulations, according to the commission, have caused China's medical device procurement sector to progressively close up to international businesses, particularly those in Europe, as well as to EU-made items.
The regulator extends an invitation for communication with the Chinese authorities to end discriminatory practices. Should negotiations break down, the European Commission may take the step of enacting remedies, such as barring Chinese firms from competing for key contracts or lowering their tender rankings.