Donald Trump Warns India Of ‘Retaliation’ Over Hydroxychloroquine Export Ban By India


The rampant spread of the deadly coronavirus in the United States has forced US president Donald Trump last week to urge the Indian government to allow the export of Hydroxychloroquine tablets to America in order to treat patients infected with the virus as well as to try and keep doctors and other health workers working on the frontline safe from the virus pandemic.
With no positive response from the Indian government, Trump on Monday warned the Indian government of possible retaliatory action is the country did not allow the export of the medicines to the US.
Lats week Trump had reportedly called up Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi urging him to relax the ban that the country has put on the export of hydroxychloroquine tablets to fight the coronavirus pandemic.
"So, I would be surprised if that were his decision. He'd have to tell me that. I spoke to him Sunday morning, called him, and I said we'd appreciate your allowing our supply to come out. If he doesn't allow it to come out, that would be okay, but of course there may be retaliation. Why wouldn't there be?" Trump said during a press briefing at the White House on Monday.
Hydroxychloroquine tablet is used to prevent and treat malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, among other ailments.
It was just hours that the Indian government had banned the export of the anti-malarial drugs that Trump had called up Modi seeking his help to get the drugs.
According to reports, India's other neighbours such as Sri Lanka and Nepal have also made similar requests to the Indian government regarding the drugs.
On Monday, a senior US State Department official said that India has been a significant partner of the US in the pharmaceutical sector and it expects similar cooperation to continue between the economies.
According to the data compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University, the total number of deaths because of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States has surged past 10,000.
On the other hand, China, from where the deadly virus originated, reported no coronavirus related deaths on Tuesday which was the first time that had happened since Beijing had begun to publish daily figures in January.
According to reports from India, the government has not yet taken a decision on the issue yet either way. Reports also said that Modi had told Trump over the phone that India “will do all what we can”.
The orders for the hydroxychloroquine tablets were placed by the US in March. The size of the order is not yet clear. It is also unclear whether the order was placed by the US government through the agency that is heading the is leading the efforts to boost domestic availability of medical supplies and equipment that are critical for the fight against the virus, or by private companies.
India, among the largest producers of  hydroxychloroquine globally, has imposed a ban on the export of the drug along with a set of other drugs that were deemed to be critical in treatment of coronavirus infected patients ad well as health workers treating them. Saturday, the Indian government upgraded the ban on the drug to a blanket ban and no exemptions on humanitarian and other grounds can be made.