Despite Industry Pressure, Tobacco Consumption Worldwide Is Declining


According to the World Health Organisation, the percentage of persons who smoke worldwide has decreased over the past generation, from one in three in 2000 to one in five today.
The decline occurs in spite of what the U.N. global health agency said to be Big Tobacco's continuous attempts to sway international health regulations in favour of its own interests.
"Good progress has been made in tobacco control in recent years, but there is no time for complacency," said Dr Ruediger Krech, Director of WHO Department of Health Promotion. "I'm astounded at the depths the tobacco industry will go to pursue profits at the expense of countless lives."
According to the global survey, 1.25 billion adults over the age of 15 smoked in 2022, down from 1.36 billion in 2000. According to the report, despite global population growth, the number of individuals who smoke is expected to decrease to approximately 1.2 billion by 2030.
The WHO highlighted the tobacco corporations' attempts to gain clout by pointing out their offers of financial and technical assistance, opening up new avenues for dialogue with nations before a significant WHO tobacco control summit in Panama in February.
According to the WHO, Southeast Asia and Europe have the highest percentage of smokers—roughly 25% of the population—among them. According to the survey, tobacco usage is still increasing in a few nations, such as Egypt, Jordan, and Indonesia.
The WHO is pushing governments to implement tobacco-style control measures based on preliminary statistics on the prevalence of vaping found in the study that is released every two years.
According to the report, there are at least 362 million adult users of smokeless tobacco products worldwide, however insufficient data may have led to an underestimation of the number.