Cuba - US: New Age


Although the restoration of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States was expected, still it caused a sensation.

AFP Photo / Joe Raedle
54 years passed since the severance of diplomatic relations between Havana and Washington, and 52 years since the introduction of American-severe trade blockade of the island, so close to Mexico and the majority of Mexicans, not only geographically, but also spiritually. The statement, made by President Raul Castro and Barack Obama, completely debunks the idea that the unfair and arbitrary isolation of the country by itself can break the spirit and dignity of its people. The policy of forced imposition of democracy, regardless of the specific needs and conditions of the state carried out by US presidents over the last 52 years, completely discredited itself this way.

To some extent, President Obama recognized this historical mistake by announcing the restoration of diplomatic relations. And it means a lot, taking into account the fact that the Congress is now dominated by the Republican Party, for the most part consistently opposing any attempts to normalize relations with Havana. However, according to the survey of the newspaper Washington Post, 66% of respondents support the restoration of relations. 76% of the Democratic Party voters have expressed their consent, whereas only 47% of the Republican did the same. Some Cuban exiles, living in Miami, accused Obama that he restored relations with communist and dictatorial power. Surely no one of those, lashed out at the president, did not pay attention to the double standards that for many years the US administration has applied to the communist and dictatorial governments.

Hopefully, Cubans will be able to defend what they have achieved over the years after the normalization of relations, and overcome all the obstacles and difficulties that have arisen as a result of the blockade.
Washington Post published a graphic illustration of these achievements, pointing out in particular that due to effective health care system, the life expectancy of Cubans has increased from 64 years in 1960 to 79 in 2012, equaling this indicator with the United States. The statistical report published annually in Economist magazine, shows Cuba as the second country in the world in terms of spending on education as a percentage of GDP. In the UNESCO list, it ranks 16th out of 120 countries in terms of education.
It is hoped that the majority of Americans will change their views on Cuba and cease to rely solely on a handful of conservative politicians, journalists and artists living in Miami and prevent any rapprochement with Havana.

original by La Jornada