Cruz Leans On Trump For Gaining Popularity


Cruz is holding a joint rally with Trump, for opposing the nuclear deal, while he is trying to steal a spot from Trump’s light of fame.

The primary race of the Republican leaves Ted Cruz languishing for he hopes that he could boost himself through “an unusual move”, whereby he would be “embracing Donald Trump” as oppose to the latter being literally cross with him and gaud him to bring out “ his message in front of more Republican voters”.
Even though, Cruz and Trump are rivals at the White House, it is reported that both will be sharing “a rally stage” which is to take place in the afternoon on Wednesday. The rally will be held “in the shadow of the U.S. Capitol” wherein they will voice, in unison, their opposition towards the nuclear deal with Iran. In fact, Cruz who is a Texas based senator was initially the only person to hit the headlines, as Reuter puts it as “the solo headliner” who was “originally” to be slated. However, Trump has accepted Cruz’s invitation and now he too will join in the rally.
Cruz had attempted to reach out to the conservatives of Christianity while bidding for the While House. He definitely is a popular personality, yet his attempt failed and he didn’t manage to secure a place for himself in the “top tier” of Republican nomination candidates who opted for the coming presidential election that is to take place in the month of November 2016. In the mean time Trump climbed to the heights and reached “the top of the pack” and asserting a “massive lead”.
The upward climb of Trump over the Republican field, has met no significant resistance but only from the former governor of Florida, Jeb Bush. The latter, who enjoyed a preference by many Republicans who thought him fit for the nomination, had vocally “attacked” Trump by terming him to be “a Democrat in disguise” who spoke “highly of Democrat Hillary Clinton”.
Moreover, Cruz also offered some words praising Trump in the past, while at present he maintains that he is standing by Trump on the immigration issue because is was brought to his knowledge that:
“…many illegal immigrants from Mexico are criminals”.
However, the dual event initiated by Cruz, has been “unprecedented” one, as he hopes to benefit from the media popularity of Trump. In fact, the entire house of Republicans is not in accord with the nuclear deal struck jointly by the President and the “five other world power”. The spokesperson of Cruz’s campaign, Richard Tyler was quoted saying:
“Trump draws the media and we want to draw attention to the Iran deal. He brings a lot of people into the process who have been checked out of politics and I like to imagine that a lot of those people have not heard from Senator Cruz directly.”
While Kellyanne Conway commented that:
“I think it’s less Machiavellian and more immediately practical. Donald Trump has captured a certain electorate zeitgeist among Republican primary and caucus goers. Senator Cruz is one of the few people willing to learn rather than criticize.”
A citizen of Georgia, who comes under the target group of Cruz stated:
“I just really haven’t really been paying too much attention to (Cruz), there hasn’t been too much coverage of him on the news. He’s sort of in the background except for this thing he’s doing this week with Trump.”
