Daily Management Review

Crime rates in some countries fall because of lockdown


With the widespread proliferation of quarantine measures to combat the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, police around the world have recorded a decrease in the number of certain crimes: murders, robberies, street attacks, drug-related crimes.

For example, in Chicago, the city with one of the highest crime rates in the United States, the number of drug-related detentions fell by 42% in March compared to last year, and the number of calls to 911 emergency numbers fell by 30% . The authorities in New York report a decrease in the number of murders, robberies, rapes and other crimes committed in March by 12% compared with February. According to USA Today, police in several dozen states report a decrease in crime.

The number of crimes in Latin America has significantly decreased, too. For example, in Rio de Janeiro, the number of murders using weapons in March decreased by a third compared to the same period last year. In one of the countries with the saddest statistics on murders - El Salvador - their number in March turned out to be the smallest in the entire history of observations - 65 people were killed. In Peru, the crime rate in March fell by 84%.

Similar changes were noted on other continents: in South Africa, the number of killings in the first week of quarantine decreased from 326 a year earlier to 94, cases of grievous bodily harm - from 2673 to 456, and rape - from 700 to 101 cases.

Police officers in different American cities also make changes in their work in a pandemic: in some cities, they restrict access to police stations, somewhere police officers work in personal protective equipment, somewhere they stop arresting for minor offenses, and somewhere then the police warns that they will not go to the crime scene if there is no threat to human life or the threat of murder. At the same time, amid a general decline in crime, the number of reports of domestic violence around the world is growing.

source: reuters.com