China's first solar power molten salt plant sets record


China's first solar power plant using molten salt as a coolant with a capacity of 100 megawatts in Dunhuang (Gansu Province) has successfully generated electricity at full power, reports

Nearly 20 hours of maintenance records on Monday showed that the power station systems were operating normally and stably. The facility has also set a new record, producing more than 1.8 million kilowatt-hours of electricity, day and night. Moreover, all indicators show that the station has reached or exceeded its design values.

This marks another important step after in mid-April the power plant produced 1.67 million kWh for 34 hours of continuous operation.

The power plant is one of the first Chinese demonstration projects for the production of solar thermal energy. It was built by Beijing Shouhang IHW Resources Saving Technology Co Ltd. The volume of investments amounted to 3 billion yuan ($ 433.1 million).

The power plant operates using 12 thousand mirrors that concentrate sunlight on the receiver in the upper part of the solar tower, which then heats the salt. Molten salt as an energy storage device allows generating electricity around the clock.

The facility is designed to produce 390 million kWh per year, which can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 350 thousand tons per year.

China is one of the leaders in the development of renewable energy and intends to seriously increase investment in the development of this industry.

In the next two years, the authorities plan to invest 2.5 trillion yuan in the construction of solar and wind power plants. In the long term, the State Council of the PRC stipulates that by 2030 the share of renewable energy in the country's energy balance should reach 20%.
