China is ready to weaken the electric vehicles quotas


Beijing is ready to weaken its requirements for quotas for the production of electric vehicles in China, said Foreign Minister of Germany Sigmar Gabriel. German automakers have been afraid of introducing hard quotas for many months.

Alan Trotter
China is ready to ease stringent requirements for quotas for the production of electric vehicles in the PRC. Recall that the quotas cause great fears of German automakers. "We can assume that the agreement on electric vehicles has been reached," German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said on Wednesday, May 24, in Beijing at the beginning of his trip to China.

The Chinese government intended to introduce strict quotas for the production of cars with alternative engines already in 2018. It was planned that share of vehicles with electric or hybrid engines sold in China should be up to 8 percent. For excess of this indicator, high fines were threatened.

It remains unclear which changes to the PRC’s legislation will be made. The possibility of deferring the introduction of quotas for one year, or reduction of the quotas in the first stage was discussed. This would allow German carmakers such as Daimler, BMW, Volkswagen and Audi to get more time to improve their electric models.

China is an important market for German automakers. Therefore, the government joined the negotiations.
