Car-Sharing Platforms Could hold The Key To 5G & Auto Industry Collaboration


The promises are enormous for the 5G tech and auto industry collaboration, although there are uncertainties and hurdles on the way that needs to be addressed if the technology has to rule the market space in the near future.

SEAT of Spain is of the opinion that auto manufacturers are likely to be big “next-generation telecoms networks” customers which could justify the 5G investment. However, there is a need to “be more innovative” for the technology to really take wings. The 5G technology brings with it the promise of linking “vehicles to household devices”, while it needs an impressive investment. Keeping in mind, how and if, this technology can contribute in facilitating profitable innovation, the telecoms industry will bite into the offer.
SEAt is owned by Volkswagen, while Luca de Meo is its Chief Executive, who informed that currently applications seem to be on a “pretty limited” scale, prior to revealing “Europe’s first 5G-connected concept car”, as described by him at the “Mobile World Congress” that took place in Barcelona.
However, he added that linking a car with its passenger’s “mobile phone, or external infrastructure or retailers” could possibly open up billions of transactions avenues. In his words:
“I think personally the automotive industry will play a big role in justifying the investment so we will be one of the big customers but we need to be creative”.
“We need to experiment and look at functionalities and hopefully the market will say, OK, I want to buy a car like this because it can prevent an accident or it can see around the corner and I value that and I (will) pay for it.”
5G will push car sector into “autonomous driving” although in a gradual manner and one can notice the falling process of sensor installation costs, remarked De Meo. Expectations are rife that by 2020, the said market will be valued at nearly “$95 billion”. However, “ethical questions” related infrastructure and the co-existence of autonomous and traditional cars pose a big hurdle for this market to flourish as of now.
“Minimo concept car” is an electric model wherein one passenger seat is available behind the driver and SEAT expects to equip the same with “autonomous “L4” everyday driving in cities” in its next version. As De Meo remarked:
“We see the potential in the car-sharing platform”.
In fact, he further added that in this way costs could be brought down by 50%, as the cars could be tracked eliminating the moving charges and it could constantly be running thus eliminating the parking charges. As per Reuters:
“In Barcelona, SEAT tested systems like putting thermal cameras in traffic lights to detect the presence of pedestrians and feed the data back to the car”.