C.E.O’s Ill-Health Became Zuckerberg’s Chance To Grab WhatsApp From WeChat Company’s Plate: Bloomberg


Timing and efficiency to carry out a quick deal enabled Zuckerberg to acquire WhatsApp.

WhatsApp was acquired by Facebook in return of a “hefty sum”, while a “new report” presented by Bloomberg Businessweek reveals that in the process of buying WhatsApp, the Chief Executive Officer of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, “apparently outbid a rival who had fallen ill”.
WeChat was created by Tencent, who had shown interest in acquiring WhatsApp in the early part of 2014. Is this deal were to take place, China would have received an instant expansion of holding the “most popular technology platform”. However, the co-founder of Wechat, Pony Ma, was then undergoing a “back surgery”, which did not allow him to reach Silicon Valley in time to bid in the deal, reports Bloomberg.
In fact, Zuckerberg’s offer turned out to be double of Tencent’s plan of acquiring the technology platform, as it has announced in the month of February 2014. The deal between WhatsApp and Facebook materialised very “quickly over a dinner meeting”. Although CNBN added:
“Bloomberg's report doesn't make clear if Zuckerberg knew about Ma's intentions and condition, and Facebook was not immediately available to comment on the report. WhatsApp has more than 1.2 billion users every month who send more than 50 billion messages per day, Facebook said on its Q4 2016 earnings call”.