ByteDance Must Sell Off US Tiktok In 90 Days, Orders Trump


The Chinese company ByteDance was ordered by the United States President Donald Trump on Friday to sell off its interest in the video-sharing app TikTok's operations in the United States within a period of 90 days.
"There is credible evidence that leads me to believe that ByteDance ... might take action that threatens to impair the national security of the United States," Trump said in the order.
The latest order from Trump has increased the pressure on ByteDance to sell off TikTok to an American company and legally oppose the order of the Trump administration and the clampdown on the Chinese-owned short video sharing app that has gained significant popularity in the United States.
No comments on the latest Trump order were available from ByteDance iknthe media.
In recent month, lawmakers in the US have expressed concerns over the operations of TikTok over national security concerns related to the manner in which it handles personal data of millions of its American users.
An executive order was passed last week by Trump which effectively banned all American companies from doing business and transactions with ByteDance and with Tencent Holdings Ltd's WeChat and a ban on both the apps in 45 days. These orders have escalated the sourness of the already tense relations between the US and China.
Trump has however said a proposed bid by Microsoft Corp to purchase the American operations of TikTok would be supported by him provided that the deal offered a "substantial portion" of the proceeds from the deal top the US government. Trump has however said that there were other interested potential buyers for the app. However the US president has said that he would be banning the apps on September 15 even in the face of some concerns being expressed by a few Republicans about the potential political fallout of the ban.
Efforts to flush out what it deems "untrusted" Chinese apps from the US digital networks have been stepped up by the Trump administration.
No worry was expressed by Trump on Friday when he was asked he was concerned about the sweeping bans on transactions with WeChat could even prevent Apple Inc from selling iPhones in China.
"I do what's good in terms of the security of our country," he told reporters.
Concerns about the potential negative impact on American companies doing business in China because of the ban orders on TikTok and WeChat were expressed by a group of major US companies including Apple earlier this week.