Buzzfeed's market cap is at a standstill


BCUniversal (NBCU) has invested another $ 200 million to BuzzFeed, as follows from the Internet project’s message. BuzzFeed as a whole was valued at $ 1.7 billion, told several sources familiar with the details. A year ago, NBCUniversal invested in BuzzFeed the same $ 200 million; the then company was estimated at $ 1.5 billion. Thus, the project’s market cap has changed little for the year. According to CrunchBase, investors have already invested $ 496 million in BuzzFeed, taking into account the last round.

Besides, BuzzFeed and NBCU revealed new plans to integrate advertising sales and content production. They will package deals to advertisers. BuzzFeed will producing native advertising for NBCU and promoting of the company's content in social networks.

"The investment will enable us to remain fully independent company, but get access to experience and resources of the strongest and largest media company," - the message quoted words of BuzzFeed’s General Director and founder Jonah Peretti.

BuzzFeed expects that its revenues this year will total $ 250 million, said a source familiar with the company’s results e. Last year, the company's revenues amounted to $ 170 million, which was 20% less than previously announced plans, say three sources familiar with the situation. One added that BuzzFeed plans to enter the stock market and become a public company in 2018. Representative of BuzzFeed did not comment on this information.

Usually, fast-growing start-ups look for ways to significantly increase capitalization during preparation for next round of investment. If the cap is not growing, it may indicate a problem in the business. BuzzFeed is going up more slowly than it would like because of several factors, including slower than anticipated growth of income from sale of content and difficulties in monetizing traffic on some platforms, especially Facebook. There, by the way, the project has collected a huge audience, said a source familiar with the company’s details.

In the new round of investment NBCU has taken several steps to make itself safe, according to two sources familiar with the details. This investor will be entitled to additional shares of BuzzFeed, if the public offering is held at a lower price than the company expects. Also, NBCU will first sell its stake, if any other investor redeems entire BuzzFeed.
