Airbus Aircraft To Be Made in China


Construction of a new Airbus factory has been launched in China today. Investments into the project are estimated at $ 150 million. The company plans to embody and additionally supply wide-body aircraft A330 there, and then deliver them to final consumers.

The solemn ceremony devoted to the beginning of construction of a new Airbus factory in China was attended by CEO of Airbus Fabrice Brégier and authorities of the city of Tianjin, in which the plant is built. The enterprise will employ about 300 people, including 50 people with existing A320 assembly line in the same Tianjin, as well as 70 employees from Europe. The plant will be engaged in the installation of the passenger compartment, painting the fuselage, engine break, test flight and final aircraft deliveries to consumers.  

Airbus officials would not believe if they were said that the slowdown in economic growth in China had a negative impact on their production plans. According to forecasts of Airbus unit in China manager Eric Chen, the market of civil aircraft in China will be grow an average of 10% per year in the coming years, which is ahead of many other Chinese markets. In the next 20 years, China could become the largest market for civil aircraft in the world.

Experts believe that the construction of Airbus large-scale enterprise in China is the readiness of the European company to withstand competition from Boeing in this country. In 2004, the share of Airbus aircraft on the Chinese market was 27%, now it is almost 50%. Last year, the Americans announced plans to build its plant in China. However, China is already one of the largest markets for Airbus - the European company delivered a quarter of aircraft to Chinese customers in 2015. A few days before the start of construction of the factory in Tianjin, Air China announced placing an order for 12 wide-body A330 aircraft worth $ 2.9 billion.

China encourages foreign manufacturers to open factories in the country. Airbus A320s are already assembled at the aircraft factory in Tianjin, the a large part of the aircraft is sold in the Chinese market. In July of 2015, the company with the Chinese authorities signed an agreement on establishment the aforementioned plant. In September, Boeing signed a partnership agreement with Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China on the construction of China's enterprises.

source: xinhua