A New Wearable Device Boosts Joint Movements In Children With Muscular Dystrophy


Vigour provides “extra strength on the muscle” that are weak in such children.

Xinyang Tan, a graduate from “Royal College of Art”, has come up with a new tech-infused wearable device which helps strengthen the disease stricken muscles in children.
As per Liane Wimhurst’s reports, the children suffering from “muscular diseases” have difficulty in conducting everyday chores like eating. Therefore, with aim to help these children, Xinyang Tan designed the wearable device named “Vigor”. Talking about his creation, Tan said:
"Most of the diseases like muscular dystrophy are progressive, so the symptoms will become worse and worse, the muscles will become weaker and weaker. So if they can do more practice during young ages they exercise the muscles they already have so they become stronger and extend the period of mobility of their limbs."
The device Vigour detects muscle movements with the help of actuator-powered “flexible cables” that are contained in the device itself. Likewise, the device supports the weak muscles in a child by boosting its movements. While, Tan adds:
"What the user needs to do is just use a little bit of force with the device. The device will provide extra strength on the muscle to help the children complete the movement."
Even though other devices are available in the market that help in “muscular dystrophy” or in cerebral palsy, Vigour is the first of its kind to provide “movement of the joints”, informs Tan. He continues:
"Vigor, the product is more like giving dynamic or automatic support based on your feelings. You can fully control it like normal people."
Vigour, made its public appearance recently at the “London's Royal College of Art Design Show”, whereby Tan has begun a start-up for commercialising his creation with “an improved version” of the same.