Daily Management Review

10 countries with the best healthcare systems


The health system is an important component of welfare of the country as a whole. Among other things, effectiveness of the health system also indicates social well-being of the country's population. Below are ten countries with the most effective health systems in the world.

10. Germany

Despite the stereotypes about beer and sausages, the Germans are one of the healthiest nations in the world. Life expectancy in Germany is 81 years.

9. Israel

The local health system is considered the best in the Middle East, from the point of view of the experts at the Legatum Institute. In addition, life expectancy in the country is 8th in the world with an indicator of 82.5 years.

8. Australia

This country has a wonderful climate and low pollution. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is among the healthiest countries in the world. In addition, it is the healthiest country in the southern hemisphere. Life expectancy in Australia reaches 82.8 years, and it occupies the 4th place in the world by this parameter.

7. Hong Kong

There are 11 private and 42 public clinics that serve a population of more than 7.2 million In this small city-state. In 2012, Hong Kong had the highest life expectancy among women in the world.

6. Sweden

Sweden is considered to be the country with the highest quality of life and high health indicators. In general, the Nordic countries have high rates for this parameter. Sweden occupies the 4th place in the life expectancy among men - 80.7 years.

5. The Netherlands

In 2015, the Netherlands took the first place in the health index in Europe. The Netherlands scored 916 from the maximum of 1 thousand points.

4. Japan

Life expectancy in the country is 83.7 years. This is the highest rate in the world. However, the issue of population aging is acute in the country.

3. Switzerland

It is a rich, beautiful country with a very healthy population. Switzerland offers almost everything that any citizen of the country can wish for. The country has a universal healthcare system based on compulsory insurance of all citizens of the country.

2. Singapore

This is another small city-state with a high index of prosperity. The population of Singapore is 5.6 million inhabitants, and life expectancy is 83.1 years.

1. Luxembourg

This small country is located between the Netherlands, France and Germany. This rich country has become the leader in the nation's health index. The life expectancy here is 82 years.